New Venting entry for Blog—
Dear Community,
First, let me extend my sincerest apologies for taking so long between blog entries. I could blame my lapse on my job as editor of the Community Journal, but that wouldn’t be fair. I’ll just blame it on the fact that I’m in love and getting ready to marry the perfect woman (for me) this coming (oops almost here!) July.
Recently, I got an email from a person who read some of my past blog entries, saying she enjoyed them immensely (I added the “immensely” part).
Here’s what Jessica Washington (my admirer—NOT my fiancee’) said about my blogged ventings:
“I just wanted to let you know that I was browsing the site and I came across
your blog and I wanted to let you know I really appreciated and enjoyed your
pieces. It was a pleasure to read and I am also a blogger so I wanted to
make sure I reached out and let you know I thought it was great!”
Thanks Jessica. I’m sorry (again) for not responding sooner to your email. I just want you to know your comments were greatly appreciated. It’s nice to know that someone else other than my family and fiancĂ©e read my ramblings.
(Chances are Jessica is no longer checking out my blog because “I’VE TAKEN TOO BLASTED LONG WITH ANY NEW ENTRIES!!!!”)
Sorry about that. I was just imagining (in written form, of course) what “former” Venting blog readers must have said when they’ve checked (in vain) for new entries (I’ve got to see a doctor about this procrastination of mine…maybe…next wee-, no I’ll be procrastinating about something else by then…maybe?)
But I digress…again.
I thought I would celebrate the end of my…ahem!...”sabbatical” (yeah… that’s what it was…a sabbatical) with a vent aimed directly at the Chris Brown and Rihanna brew-ha-ha that just wrapped up in “La-La Land” (that’s slang for Los Angeles for you folks in Racine).
(This news is obviously of little importance now given the recent death of the “King of Pop,” Michael Jackson. But as I wrote this blog entry and was preparing to post it, news of Jackson’s death broke. I’ve still—obviously—posted this blog and plan to have a blog entry on Jackson VERY soon…I promise…no REALLY, I will!!!)
As you may recall, several months ago Brown, a popular hip-hop inspired singer, was charged with beating his girlfriend at the time, Rihanna, another hip-hop inspired singer…and fashionista plate.
And boy did Brown kick the you-know-what outta sista girl. The evidence of the beat-down was all over the Internet courtesy of that bastion of high-quality and responsible electronic journalism, YouTube.
Well, ol’ boy got off light…and I do mean “LIGHT!”
A week ago, Brown copped a plea deal in the assault case, according to short blurb on (via Bossip—whatever that is), which described the disgraced singer as a “punk d-bag” (I can think of stronger words, but “blog laws” (if they exist) prohibit me from using them).
For his savage beat-down of his former girlfriend, Brown will get 180 days of probation…in Virginia! (Uh, excuse me, but the crime took place in LOS ANGELES FOR CRYIN’ OUT LOUD!!!)
Oh, in addition to the “probation,” Brown will be doing light work only, nothing heavy-duty. That’s pretty good for a felony assault charge, for which he will get only FIVE YEARS PROBATION! He will also have supervised probation. Brown will also enroll in a domestic violence program.
Let’s get real here. If it were I or any other regular Joe Blow off the street who did this to a woman, we would be put up UNDER the penitentiary until the Second Coming of the All Mighty!
To say that Brown got off light would be the mother of all understatements. It just goes to show what happens when you have money, fame and good looks…and no previous “excess baggage” to drag you down.
Call it “O.J. Light.”
(Another interesting point I observed. On the site, there’s a picture of Brown with an expression on his face that—to me—looked like a cross between contriteness and “I told ya’ll I’d get off for beatin’ the b-----!”)
I could be wrong…but, I doubt it!
(A second interesting point: Restraining orders were also issued against Brown AND Rihanna! Wait a minute…why does the victim have a restraining order on her? Is it because the judge believed Rihanna is still “in luuuuuve” with Brown and can’t live without him and issued the order for her own good?)
That ain’t love. That’s crazy!
It should go without saying that the plea deal does not bode well for women and girls who are currently in abusive relationships with a husband or boyfriend, let alone the organizations that work with women trying to get them out of, or protect them from, such destructive situations.
Coupled with the warped attitudes of some folks (men AND women) in the Black community who think Rihanna deserved the beat-down for alleged remarks she might have made to Brown (and supposedly hitting him first) during a reported argument that preceded the beating, abusers will feel a sense of empowerment by the Brown verdict and continue their abuse, thinking they can come up with some psycho-babble (like Brown probably did) about being abused as a child (which he and his mother was by his stepfather). While this situation is understandable and—unfortunately—all too common, it’s still no excuse to become an abuser.
I don’t know! A co-worker here in the office, thinks there’s more to the whole Brown-Rihanna affair than I or anyone else outside the loopy-loop really know about.
(What the staffer told me about the whole abuse thing I don’t have enough room to include in this blog entry. Perhaps the next blog in November (only kidding!).
Well, I got to wrap this puppy up. I’m probably well over the allowed word limit according to blog law.
So I’ll “blog” with ya later (hopefully not TOO later. Again, sorry!)
Respectfully yours,
A brotha, who hopes Mr. Brown gets the help he needs (Rihanna too!)
P.S.: Jackson will be coming soon…I PROMISE!!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
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